Talk Presented at SSA Convention (2/3/2006)
Dr. Sinha presented a talk entitled Revolutionary Aerodynamics at the 2006 SSA Convention in Arlington, TX.
He spoke to a packed room of interested people, describing his approach to improving wing performance by reducing
the skin friction component of boundary flow and increasing lift. Dr. Sinha described his work in a non-mathematical
way, while showing considerable amounts of wind tunnel and flight data. He began by summarizing the history of
research to improve wing performance, including earlier research on composite surfaces. He explained why he has
succeeded where others had failed and gave an understandable account of how his method works to greatly reduce
skin friction from attached boundary flows. Dr. Sinha ended his presentation with a status report on his project,
indicating that he is now working to make deturbulation work consistently over a wide range of temperature
and humidity conditions.
For a PDF copy of the full paper, click SSA Convention 2/3/2006.